Hiking shoes. Illustration

Rent free outdoor equipment

Looking for outdoor equipment you can rent for free? Look no further. We have listed some of the places where you can rent for free or a small fee.

Living in Bergen means great opportunities for outdoor activities. But maybe you don’t have the right equipment, or didn’t bring any. Don’t worry. Bergen has several options when it comes to renting outdoor equipment for free or for a small fee. For non-norwegians, you may have to get a norwegian mobile number in order to be able to book. Either get a temporary sim-card or a Norwegian friend. 

BSI – Bergen Student Sports 

The biggest student organisation in Bergen. If you are a member, you can rent free equipment from BSI. The equipment is rented out on a first come, first serve basis. It is not possible to reserve equipment in advance or rent outside the opening hours. BSI Friluft organized trips has first priority to equipment. (Page only available in Norwegian).

Bergen Municipality

Offers free rental of canoos, kayak and bicycles. You have to send in an application via Aktiv Kommune (only in Norwegian).


They mostly offer free rent, but you may have to pay a symbolic price if you are older than 18 yrs and rent via Skattkammeret. You must have a Norwegian phone number and a Norwegian address. If you do not have a Norwegian phone number, you need to authorize someone who does or get a written authorization from someone who does. 

Where can you find BUA?

BUA Askøy. Klampavikvegen 1

BUA Frekhaug. Havnevegen 45

BUA Hjellestad. Grendatunvegen 15

BUA Melkeplassen. By Fysak Melkeplassen

BUA Vestkanten. On Vestkanten shopping center.

BUA Øygarden. Hamramyra 2

BUA Åstveit. Åstveithallen in Tertnesveien 31. Towards IKEA . 

BUA Slåtthaug. Slåtthaughallen in Slåtthaugvegen 142, Nesttun

Please visit BUAs web site for more information about opening hours (as they sometimes change), registration and info on what you can rent (only in Norwegian, but they offer pdf information in several languages where it says BUA standard loan terms in several languages


This is run by Kirkens Bymisjon (The Church City Mission), but is also part of the BUA network.

Located next to Media City Bergen, Agnes Mowinckels gate 6.

Opening hours

  • Mondays 11 – 14 pm
  • Wednesdays 15 – 18 pm
  • Thursdays  15 – 18 pm

People over 20 yrs has to pay a small symbolic fee when renting. There is no reservation, only Drop In for international students without a Norwegian phone number. 


Students may rent free kettlebells, weights and resistance bands. Contact willy.weng@sammen.no for inquiry.