Map overview of Bergen with a compass and a finger pointing. Illustration.

Norwegian Mountain Code

The Norwegian Mountain Code is important to follow before going out for any hike. Read and keep in mind before and during your trip. Safe travels!

1. Plan your trip and inform others about the route you have selected. 

2. Adapt the planned routes according
to ability and conditions.

3. Pay attention to the weather and the avalanche warnings.
4. Be prepared for bad weather and frost,
even on short trips.
5. Bring the necessary equipment so you can help yourself and others.
6. Choose safe routes. Recognise avalanche
terrain and unsafe ice. 
7. Use a map and
a compass. Always know where
you are.
8. Don’t be ashamed to turn around.
9. Conserve your energy and seek shelter if necessary. 

Source for this article: DNT