The application process

The application process depends on whether you are coming as an exchange student or for a full degree.


Exchange students

If you wish to have one or two exchange semesters in Bergen, and will do this as an exchange student still enrolled at another university usually you will have help from them. The different academic institutions participate in different programs such as NORDPLUS and ERASMUS, and also have a number of bilateral agreements.

Most often the evaluation of your academic credentials will go via the institution to which you are applying. If you need a general consideration of your academic credits, this can be obtained from NOKUT.

Bachelor degree programs (Undergraduate)

The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS) also known as Samordna opptak, coordinates the admission to ordinary undergraduate study programs at all universities, university colleges, and some private university colleges in Norway. The NUCAS admission system is primarily meant for Norwegian citizens and individuals with a permanent or renewable residence permit in Norway.

Applicants have to meet the general admission requirements and document proficiency in the Norwegian language in order to be eligible for admission. Applicants can find information on general requirements on the GSU-list. Some study programs have requirements in specific subjects from upper secondary school, work experience, entrance test etc. in addition to the general requirements.

Masters programs (Graduate)

Application for the masters programs are administered by the academic institutions to which you are applying. Applicants can apply for admission either as self-financing student or student financed through the Quota Scheme.

In Bergen there are a number of masters programs taught in English. The general requirements are completed bachelor degree or equivalent, and you will also have to meet the English language requirement. The different institutions normally also have requirements regarding earlier fields of study, grades, motivational letter, admission test etc.

The Doctoral Degree (PhD) and beyond

A PhD is awarded after three years of study following completion of a Masters degree or a professional degree/program. Doctoral programs are offered by all university-level institutions in Norway, some state university colleges and a few private institutions. You should contact the academic institutions directly for information about application and admission. Postdoc positions are fellowships that require a PhD. The application process for both PhDs and postdocs in Norway is similar to applying for a job. When funded, these positions are compensated as employment.