Mobile phones
Want to use your cellphone while you are studying abroad in Bergen? You need to make sure your phone will function in Norway and get a SIM card that works here.
Norway Mobile Phone Compatibility
Before you come to Bergen, be sure your phone works in Norway. If you are from Europe, don't worry: a phone that works in Europe will function in Norway (and you can get a Norwegian SIM for it). If you are not from Europe, as long as you have an unlocked, dual-band GSM phone you will be able to get a SIM card that works in Norway. If you have a subscription plan in your country of origin, your phone may be locked (depending on the phone, carrier and country). It is worth investigating whether your phone is locked and how to unlock it well before you come to Norway.
SIM cards
SIM cards determine the services your phone receives and its phone number. Generally people purchase SIM cards for the country they will be making phone calls from. The SIM can be attached to a pay-as-you-go plan or a subscription plan through a mobile service carrier. In Norway, mobile phone SIM cards are available online or at retail stores. Throughout Bergen there are many mobile carrier stores and other retail stores selling SIM cards and mobile service options.
The easiest cellphone option for short-term stay in Norway is a kontantkort ("cash card"). This is a pay-as-you-go (no monthly fee) option that doesn't require having a Norwegian identification number. Telenor and Telia, as well as other carriers, may offer kontantkorts for mobile access. Buy a SIM card at an electronics store or phone kiosk - there are many options in the small malls that are sprinkled throughout the city. The new number will need to be registered (activated), you may have to do this or the retailer may do it for you. Later, you can put money on the plan at certain retailers (including supermarkets, gas stations, etc) or online.
If you have your heart set on a subscription plan, you will need to have a Norwegian identification number (you are only eligible to apply for one if you are staying more than 6 months). The following list is of some of the mobile carriers in Norway. You may wish to explore the sites below to find a mobile plan that works for you. These websites are generally in Norwegian, using a browser with a translator extension may be helpful.
Study Bergen is not sponsered by any of the above mobile carriers. This list is not comprehensive, suggestions for edits may be sent to
Other things to know
If you are calling or receiving calls with your new Norwegian SIM (instead of using a free online method of talking to each other) keep the following in mind:
- Friends and family outside Norway need to dial you with the country code +47 before dialing your number.
- Dial the prefix 00 before making outgoing international calls. Be sure to research international calling costs for your plan.
- Memorize or put the Norwegian emergency numbers in your phonebook:
110 – Fire brigade
112 – Police
113 – Ambulance